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Friday, January 8, 2010

today is...

38 weeks!!!! 2 weeks and counting....!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rock Concerts

So I have been to my fair share of live concerts, but I'm not sure any of them would qualify for what we call 'rock'. I have however attended ones quite frequently in my living room. Andy does play his guitar for me sometimes, and he would love it if I referred to him as a rock star, but I am talking about guitar hero nights in our house. From seeing the posters, the stage, the costumes....or I guess the outfit is the proper term, the headbanging, and just the overall dancing of the crowd I'm intrigued. Its quite fun. First of all I get the best seat in town front row or front couch when Andy plays. I can enjoy the music and ridiculous dance moves from both the other performers/ audience on the screen without the whole BO, eardrum blowing noise, and disgusting ground (every concert I've ever been to has the floor covered with a sticky mess that has seemed to attract every fast food attainable in the proximity) I have to say I quite enjoy this game. Maybe I'm missing the point, but as I look forward to a few weeks with no work, while waiting for baby, I'm contemplating practicing my guitar skills so I can go and join Andy on stage!