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Monday, November 10, 2008

Canadian Politics

I am unashamed to say that I know very little about Canadian politics.  I know enough about their government to understand it is run very different from the United States, but unless I am about to have a say in their governing strategies I'm not to upset about it.  I am willing to learn, and by living in this country I am sure I will soon enough.  For instance I don't know who the Premier is at the moment or who is Prime Minister.  I plan on finding out, but I think most of my fellow Americans would need a reminder in order to call to mind these names.  In contrast every Canadian knows who is President. In fact in an 'online' vote (just for fun ...and I couldn't even believe this was happening) the Canadians voted on who they wanted to be President.  What?? I can't believe how much they follow our politics.  I sat in on a history class the other day at a nearby college.  The professor went into a tangent all about American Presidents.  The sermon I heard on Sunday (  a church I was visiting ) ended with a quote from Obama.  I guess in a way it makes me feel ignorant. I should know more about other countries governments and their leaders.  On the other hand I feel special that they are that interested in my country.  They only pretended to vote, but I actually got to.  It also makes me feel a sense of responsibility.  Our country is a leader and we need to be active in what our country is doing. I have no voice here in Canada, but I do in Texas and in the United States.  What am I doing with it?  I was excited about this election for one reason (I really couldn't find any other reason to be happy about it) we as Americans spoke.  We made time in our daily lives to speak....we voted and not just the few but we set records last Tuesday....we came out and used the rights that were given to us by so many who died to protect and provide them.  I like my new home, but I'm very proud to be an American.  

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