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Monday, October 6, 2008

Its late...but we have to finish the derby

Andy is just about to beat the Wii home run derby. So even though we said we were going to bed by ten; what we really meant was after he won :) For those of you who are not up to speed let me catch you up on the Phillies status.  They have just advanced to the NLCS (which translated is National League Championship Series)  If they win this we are in the World Series!!!! The tension and excitement in our living room is unbelievable.  

So, it has been a while since I wrote.  It has been a busy week.  There are ups and downs to moving and leaving one life to start one somewhere else.  The transition is made easier when you know God has lead you to this new place.  This past weekend Andy and I have just felt God confirming that we are to be here and His promise to take care of us.  So what happened?? Well, I guess nothing remarkable, but we had three straight nights of hanging out with new friends.  I guess you don't expect to find a fit so quickly.  We have only been here two months and yet we have found a home church, joined a small group, I'm dancing with a company, and we've met quite a few young couples in the area.  I never expected to be friendless for two years, but I also wasn't expecting to feel connected so quickly.  God knows what we need and provides in ways that we never thought possible.  It seems that in every stage of life I've always doubted that He could ....but He can and does.  The sermon on Sunday was on doubt.  How many times do we doubt God?  If we are human then probably quite a few times.  The pastor was speaking about what we do with doubt.  Just because we have it doesn't mean we have to believe it...hmmm think about that.  What if we always questioned our doubt.  What if every time it posed a question in our heads we questioned back.....Well, that's a new goal...a new perspective...well, its late...I'll write more  tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I have mixed emotions about this whole "new friend" thing you've got going on in Canada. Let's face it--you're never going to find another Ben & Lauren anywhere, so don't even try. haha!

Seriously, I'm so happy to hear that things are looking bright. Especially since it's really cold up there now, and you're not exactly used to that.

We'll try to call you tonight (if you're not busy with your new friends) to chat.

P.S. I've had issues with trying to call you--my phone says that I can't. We'll get it figured out.

P.P.S. Hotel Huss has 1 room available on the nights you requested. We also offer lots of sports-watching on a massive TV. Oh--and we have a new Wii, so we can do a fun tournament or something! Can't wait to see you guys!