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Friday, January 9, 2009

The Prescott's Christmas Vacation

So I know this is long past due ....but I decided to enjoy family time over the Holiday season and not worry about keeping up my blog :) So although the events of the past three or so weeks could fill pages and pages I'll opt to just give the overview. I have to start with the major event of December 18th: my Kindergarten's Christmas Concert. There was the usual girls poking at each other, boys un-tucking their shirts, deer in headlights look, screaming/singing their songs and finally the unconfined excitement at seeing their parents sitting in the audience. Absolutely adorable everyone should want to teach Kindergarten! Moving right along, Andy and I were leaving for New Jersey on the 23rd meaning we did our Christmas on the 22nd. We celebrated Christmas three times in one much fun!! So Andy and I had a quiet Christmas Monday night, which was sweet and special until the part where it had to end. Since we live in an apartment complex leaving a Christmas tree up for two weeks while we are away is a fire hazard. So after we exchanged gifts and had a moment drinking eggnog and reveling in our first Christmas together we undecorated the tree and took it down. We then packed up the rest of the Christmas decorations and put them in a box ready for storage. A bit anti-climactic. Well, the next day we set out for Jersey. We had prayed for good weather, smooth flights, and no delays. God is good. Even though while buying the tickets we tried every way to find one that connected through Chicago or Toronto we were forced to purchase ones that sent us to Denver and then straight to Philly. What we once thought a hindrance turned into a blessing. Snow storms hit the north east and flights were delayed and even canceled, but ours were right on time :) So one would think I would skip the details about the plane ride, but alas I've never seen anyone get sick on a plane and since it happened to be my husband it correlates with the story. We think Andy got food poisoning at the Denver airport, or just had a bug that came on quick and ended within 12 hours. We arrived in Philadelphia at 1am and after a restless night Andy was feeling quite a bit better (about 11am). All this said and done we really were able to spend quality time with his family unhindered by the events of the previous night (except that we both ate quite a bit less at Christmas eve dinner..and had to pass on the crab soup, which we both were upset about). The next four days were spent talking, laughing, bowling, eating, goofing off, shopping, and all the other fun activities Prescott's participate in. We had a great time and both had a very hard time leaving. It was very fun for me to experience Andy's family Christmas and see how their (now my ) family celebrates the birth of Christ. So Sunday morning ( you may recall that was the Day that the Eagles beat the Cowboys) me wearing my new Eagles jersey (compliments of Zoom) and Andy wearing a sweater got in our rental car and embarked on our journey to Rochester, NY. What could there honestly be to tell about a five hour drive up North on a beautiful December day. Well, usually nothing, it is a beautiful but uneventful trip. We however have a hard time making anything ordinary. I don't really remember the last time I had a flat tire, but I think it was over 20 years ago. Well, I'm just about to call AAA or the rental car roadside assistance when my husband blankly stares at me and says "Don't insult me; I can change a flat tire." I am ashamed to admit that this thought had not crossed my mind. In the past 27 years if something happened while driving you called for help (granted I'm sure my father can change a flat tire, but I was never in the situation with him). Well, sure enough Andy goes to work and 20 minutes later we were on the road again...I was quite impressed although Andy didn't understand why. So then started the week with my family. In so many areas Andy and I have similar families, but when you transition from one to the other so quickly the stark differences were clear. Don't get me wrong we had a blast with my family playing games, singing, eating, talking, shopping, hanging out.... BUT I had never realized just how female dominated my family is. There are no boys anywhere to be seen. My father and Andy had a valiant effort trying to even the atmosphere, but going from a house where the numbers are close to even to a house where the scale is quite tipped was noticeable. I had to laugh, I never thought of my sisters and I as 'girly' but we really are...but its just another thing to love about the Carrozziere's. That Thursday Andy flew back to Canada (stupid work day on Friday) and I followed on Monday. So after being gone on holiday Andy and I are settling back into life and being Canadian We are enjoying our life here and our little adventure, but this trip made us realize how much we value, love, and miss family. We'll have to plan another trip soon!


Mrs. DuPuis said...

And the next trip will include Michigan, right? Glad to hear the update and Andy's valiant tire changing expertise! Hope to connect again soon!

Lauren said...

Glad to know that Andy is taking care of things. Also glad that I didn't hear any crazy scream or anything when the tire went flat (for those reading this comment: I was on the phone with Carla when the tire went flat). Andy sounded very calm when he said "we just had a flat". Kudos to Mr. Prescott for keeping things calm for the benefit of Mrs. Prescott. ;)

P.S. I have a favor to ask: will you hit the "enter" button more often when you're typing your posts? My eyes get all jumbled up when I'm trying to read one long paragraph...hehe!