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Sunday, January 25, 2009


So today at church our Pastor concluded a series called "What's in Your Wallet?" He spoke today about Joseph in the Old Testament, who when appointed as second to Pharaoh saw his circumstance as a place from which to serve not get revenge. (Genesis 50:20) He then spoke about the current circumstances of everyone in the room. If we have a roof over our head, food to eat, a college education, one computer in our house, or even a car to drive we are the elite. If we only have two things from that list we are still in the top percentile. In our privileged position what are we doing with resources we have been given ie: money, time, knowledge. Andy and I started thinking and felt convicted to look again at practical ways to serve. In response we also thought of the prayer we've said concerning service. We ask God for opportunities to serve, but when they present themselves how do we respond. Sometimes they come in ways we don't expect...spending our time to help, participating in something we don't enjoy for the sake of another, serving without the commentary of complaint. As a Christ follower are our lives reflecting Christ? Are our hearts reflecting Christ? Serving sometimes sneaks up on you; am I making the most of every situation? It was a great message today. One that reminds me to evaluate and not just rely on my good intentions....but see if my heart is responding as it should...something for me to chew on this week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sound like a great series of teachings! Our pastor is giving us the same message... we all need to check our motives and make the most of our time and money. It's cool how God is working in all of us whether we're in Alberta or Jersey!